FACTum Studio
FACTum Studio Architecture
Installation Instructions
Publish-subscribe Pattern Tutorial
FACTum Studio is a tool that supports Architectural Design Patterns (ADPs) specification and verification with the support of interactive verification in Isabelle/HOL.
At this stage of development, the tool has the following key features mainly for specification of ADPs:
- Specification of abstract data types
- Graphical modeling of component types
- Specification of architectural constraints
- Specification of architectural guarantees
- Generation of Isabelle/HOL theory from ADP specification and
- Generation of nuXmv modules from architecture behavour models.
FACTum Studio Architecture
FACTum Studio is developed using the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), particularly, with Obeo’s free and ready-to-use Eclipse package Obeo Designer Community edition. The development of the tool utilizes frameworks and languages in the Eclipse/EMF ecosystem, which include Xtext, Ecore, Xtend, and Sirius. Xtext is a language engineering framework that enables the textual feature of DSL using the base grammar within the EMF. The Xtend language is an expressive dialect of Java for productivity. It is used as a programing language for additional language features such as type checking, validation, referencing, and scoping.
The diagram above illustrates the architecture of FACTum Studio. The tool has two workspaces. The first part is where the domain language is modeled, which is the FACTum pattern metamodel. It is the workspace where the grammar, constraints, validations, and the code generation templates are defined.
The second part, the FACTum pattern instance, is the user workspace or the runtime of the DSL, where patterns are modeled based on the metamodel. The user workspace provides textual and graphical editors for the specified models. It also enables code generation from the model.
Installation Instructions
A working copy of Obeo Designer Community edition should enable the importing of the FACTum tool metamodel project and runtime sample to start and try the tool. Currently, FACTum Studio works with Obeo Designer Community Version 10.1. Other versions may not run as expected. You may download files required from the following links:
Download Eclipse, Obeo Designer (Needs installing Obeo Designer Community Edition Extensions including Xtext)
- First, extract the downloaded Obeo Designer Community zip file into a directory where you would intend to run it.
- Next, go to the extracted directory and run the file ‘obeodesigner’ which is the program launcher.
- Then, when the program is open and running, install required plugins - Help menu -> Install New Software, these are plugins such as the ‘Sirius Integration with Xtext’ and ‘Xtext Complete SDK’ from the Obeo Designer Community Edition Extensions.
Download FACTum Metamodel Project and Runtime Application (Contains files ‘metamodelFACTumS.zip’ and ‘runtimeFACTumS.zip’ )
- First, import the project file ‘metamodelFACTumS.zip’ into your Obeo Designer Community workspace,
- Then, generate Xtext Artifacts from the file Pattern.xtext.
- Next, configure an Eclipse runtime application (e.g., runtimeFACTumS) to launch the tool’s application demo and then
- Import the file ‘runtimeFACTumS.zip’ into your created Eclipse application (runtimeFACTumS) to try and test the FACTum demo.
- Verify the example code generated by copying the proof from the file ‘factum/examples/PublisherSubscriber.thy’ into the generated Isabelle code.
Publish-subscribe Pattern Tutorial
The video tutorial below shows a brief overview of using FACTum Studio. The tutorial demonstrates the tool with a specification of the publish-subscribe pattern and transforms the specification to Isabelle/HOL for verification.